Thursday, August 28, 2008

longest blog ever

i dislike it when people post pictures and they're way out of focus or are from a camera phone or something. i like to think that i can take a decent picture and enjoy posting nice pictures that are post-worthy. k, well some of the following pictures are just random snapshots [i'm getting in trouble for not posting enough pictures]. just keep that in mind.

bad pic & out of focus, but i found her sucking her thumb! : )

monthly car seat pic

daily occurrence



on the way down

post-manicure shot

hey now!

little feeties

purple squared.

we love our green carpet

pearl went to the dr this week & she has a little colic and reflux. poor little thing. the meds are already starting to work! yeah for axid. she is so funny when we give her the "BABY NUM NUMS" as we call it. she sits there and lets it pool-up in her mouth and smiles at us. oh yeah, it tastes like chemicals/acid/bubble gum. mmmm.

yeah, this week pearl has been smiling more than ever; and it's not from gas. loooove it. btw, she has moved up to 3mo size and size 1 diapers. weird. 10 heavy pounds of solid baby delight.

ps. pearl and darc really do have a nap together everyday [though darc doesn't always sleep] and he reads her a story every night. it's pretty awesome. : )

- li

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Alright, here's another wicked awesome post from me (Darcy). Not a lot of new pics really but that's cause we're either sleeping, trying to sleep, trying to get Pearl to sleep, rocking Pearl to sleep, sleep walking, ... you get the picture. She's great but still likes to party all night and sleep all day, good times. Also, some pictures have me in like a g-top so not postable, I don't want anyone calling the mo-po on me. That's right - mo-po (mormon police), I totally just made that up once again proving how awesome I am. Also, I changed a diaper, usually I just assist but I actually did one by myself, this may disgust some of you and thrill others, take it as you will.

Riding the roller-coaster!

Glamour shots by Deb...

On a completely random note, I was reading some of Jessie's bloggity-blog and it was pretty funny, the part about the text messages, so I thought I'd get in on the fun.

"Wish i were there instead of here, ah well next time i will use the sniper rifle the whole time"

"Chat noir? Sounds reasonable"

"So we are peeing our pants over here...:)"

Maybe those aren't as funny as I thought, well they are to me anyway... I guess I'll quit while I'm about where I started, I kinda got ahead with the pics and all but now it's just going downhill very quickly... k, I'm done...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

sleepy pearl

she got darcy's bottom lip


oh, dad

favorite pic